Novus ordo seclorum - Az új világrend 2.
... befolyással vannak az Egyesült Államok egész iskolai rendszerére.

A Skull and Bones mint hatalmi hálózat

Antony Sutton a Rend kutatója "America's Secret Establishment" ("Amerika titkos hatalmi hálózata") című művében megállapítja, hogy a "Koponya és Csontok Rendje" kiépített egy horizontális és egy vertikális kapcsolatrendszert, hogy befolyását m...
2023-05-15 20:30:43
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
... Organization, accusing them of procrastinating and developing defeatist policies. He believed in 90% immigration and 10% politics, as well as the use of Hebrew only as a state language (the Establishment considered him unrealistic). In the 1930's he organized an aviation and navy school in Europe, while at the same time calling for the complete evacuation of Eastern Europe. One of...
2013-10-05 16:42:42
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
... Organization, accusing them of procrastinating and developing defeatist policies. He believed in 90% immigration and 10% politics, as well as the use of Hebrew only as a state language (the Establishment considered him unrealistic). In the 1930's he organized an aviation and navy school in Europe, while at the same time calling for the complete evacuation of Eastern Europe. One of...
2013-10-05 10:30:28
Ez történt - Szeptember 20.-án
... September 20, THE JEWISH BRIGADE GROUP (Eretz Israel)
Was formed by the British High Command. After a long battle by Chaim Weizmann and Moshe Sharret, Britain agreed to the establishment of a Jewish unit to fight alongside British troops. Their brigade commander was Ernest Frank Benjamin, a Canadian-born Jew serving in the Royal Engineers. The brigade, also known as "Chi'l" ...
2013-09-20 00:42:17
Ez történt - Augusztus 25.-én
... managed to arrive illegally between 1920 and 1937. The Jewish Agency at the time was working with the British and hoped that the Peel Report (November 1936) would be favorable to the establishment of a state and as such was against "illegal immigration".

1939: A mutual assistance treaty is signed by Poland and Britain. Mussolini complains to Hitler that he is not yet r...
2013-08-25 08:59:25
Ez történt - Augusztus 24.-én
... meeting with "representatives of the Jewish world" was called to encourage Jews all over the world to help the Soviet Union in its fight against Hitler. This eventually led to the establishment of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in April of the following year.

1942 August 24, FRANCE
Handed over to the Germans around 15,000 foreign-born Jews. By the end of the ...
2013-08-24 08:25:13
Ez történt - Július 23.-án
... him. The Pope, Pious IX, refused to surrender him despite much protest. The combination of the Damascus Affair and this affair led to the unification of many Jews, and later to the establishment of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.

1906. július 23. Pogrom robban ki az ukrajnai Ogyesszában.

1940: Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Kingsley Wood announces thi...
2013-07-23 08:44:30
Ez történt - Július 13.-án

1941: Troops of Army Group North continue their advance from Pskov toward Luga, 75 miles from Leningrad.

1942: President Roosevelt orders the establishment of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), with Colonel Donovan as director.

2013-07-13 00:08:28
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years
... their policy during the war as the prospects of a German victory dimmed with every year, pinning their hopes on Britain. Although in 1916, Berlin secured Turkey's consent to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine under a German protectorate, it failed to sway the Zionists whose political sympathies by then were with the Entente.

2013-06-08 11:55:57
Ez történt - Május 23.-án
... 1307. június 1.; 1415. július 6.; 1535. június 25.)

1536 May 23, PORTUGAL
Pope Paul III, acting upon the petition of King John III, issued a Bull providing for the establishment of an Inquisition based on the Spanish archetype to begin in 1539. In 1544, after numerous bribes, it was again postponed for three years but reestablished permanently in 1547. The last Au...
2013-05-23 09:36:22
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Címkék: Egyesült Államok, Antony Sutton, Secret Establishment, Csontok Rendje, Eastern Europe, JEWISH BRIGADE GROUP, Eretz Israel, British High Command, Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharret, Ernest Frank Benjamin, Canadian-born Jew, Royal Engineers, Jewish Agency, Peel Report, Soviet Union, Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, Pious IX, Damascus Affair, Alliance Israelite Universelle, Exchequer Sir Kingsley Wood, Army Group North, President Roosevelt, Strategic Services, Colonel Donovan, Pope Paul III, King John III, state language, long battle, mutual assistance, ukrajnai Ogyesszában, representatives, procrastinating, establishment, reestablished, organization, horizontális, protectorate, megállapítja, ogyesszában, immigration, combination, universelle, permanently, rendszerére, unrealistic, befolyással, unification, inquisition, assistance, chancellor, considered, sympathies, evacuation, developing, eventually, vertikális, befolyását, szeptember, complains, postponed, surrender, mussolini, roosevelt, encourage, palestine, exchequer,
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